Welcome to the Distributed Decision-Making and Learning Lab
Welcome to the Distributed Decision-Making and Learning Lab at UConn (D2L2)! We design, analyze, control, and verify networked autonomous systems. Our research lies at the intersection of control theory, graph theory, game theory, cyber-physical systems, and machine learning, with recent interests in the design of safe and resilient networked multi-agent systems. Using the link below you will find some recent research areas we're currently working on.
We have one funded PhD position available for Fall 2025 in Control, AI, Power Systems, or Robotics. If interested, please email me your CV.
We have one funded PhD position available for Fall 2025 in Control, AI, and Robotics. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or green card holders. If interested, please email me your CV.
Our Research
- Hierarchical Resilient Architecture of Networked Cyber-Physical Systems Against Attacks
- Attack-Resilient Reinforcement Learning for Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems
- Resilient and Optimal Hierarchical Control of Clustered DC Microgrids against FDI Attacks
Recent News
[Jan 25]: Shan Zuo is awarded a $500K Research and Development Grant from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission for the project: "Enabling Reasoning, Secure, and Resilient Autonomy for Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Fleets in the Nuclear Domain." Huge thanks to the NRC for their support!
[Jan 25]: Mohamadamin Rajabinezhad is selected as one of the 22 finalists for the PhD Dissertation Challenge at the IEEE PES Grid Edge Technologies Conference & Expo.
[Sep 24]: Yi Zhang's collaborative paper with Bin Lei from Caiwen Ding's group, titled 'MACM: A Multi-Agent System for Condition Mining in Solving Complex Mathematical Problems,' has been accepted to the highly prestigious and competitive NeurIPS 2024.
[Sep 24]: Mohamadamin Rajabinezhad is selected as one of the 45 winners of the IES-SYPA (IEEE IES Students and Young Professionals Paper Assistance Program) for IECON’2024. Amin will receive up to 1500 USD for this award.
[Aug 24]: Our three papers have been accepted and will be presented at the IECON’2024, the flagship annual conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.
[Jul 24]: Yi Zhang is awarded the Conference Participation Award.
[June 24]: Our two papers have been accepted and will be presented at the 2025 IEEE PES Grid Edge Technologies Conference & Exposition.
[June 24]: Yichao's first first-authored paper "Secondary Defense Strategies of AC Microgrids Under Polinomially Unbounded FDI Attacks and Communication Link Faults" is published in the IEEE Control Systems Letters. This paper will also be presented at the 2024 Conference on Decision and Control.
[June 24]: Mohamadamin Rajabinezhad is awarded the Student Travel Award for AIM 2024, the flagship conference of IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics.
[May 24]: Yi Zhang and Yichao Wang are awarded the Summer Predoctoral Fellowship.
[Apr 24]: Mohamadamin Rajabinezhad is awarded the Synchrony Fellowship Award for Fall 2024 semester.
[Apr 24]: Yi Zhang's first first-authored paper "Resilient data-driven asymmetric bipartite consensus for nonlinear multi-agent systems against DoS attacks" is published in the International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control.
[Mar 24]: Shan Zuo is awarded the Quantum Regional Partnership Investments Award.
[Feb 24]: Yichao Wang is awarded the Conference Participation Award.
[Jan 24]: Shan Zuo serves as the Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.
[Nov 23]: Shan Zuo is invited to serve on NSF CPS Panel.
[Nov 23]: Our paper "Resilient Containment Control of Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems Against Unbounded Attacks on Sensors and Actuators" is accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems.
[Oct 23]: Shan Zuo is invited to serve on NSF EPCN Panel.
[Oct 23]: Shan Zuo serves as the Associate Editor of Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control.
[Sep 23]: Shan Zuo serves as the Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.
[Mar 23] : Mohamadamin Rajabinezhad is awarded the Next Gen scholar GE fellowship. The fellowship entails $7500 of support for one academic year.